[PS2-Wii] Dragon Ball Z Sparking Neo - Version imprimable

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- Gregnas - 08-22-2006

Fake deja vu d'ailleur!

- MoMo - 08-22-2006

La traduction du scan en anglais que je vais essayer traduire en français ^^

It's the return of the Ultimate Battle mode...and once again, you gotta beat 100 fighters to reach number 1! Some may be happy for it's return, some may not care, and some may just hate it and wonder why it came back. Well, the scan has listed just how the Ultimate Battle Z Mode has evolved.

Instead of picking one fighter of your choice you will choose two. Why you ask? Well, the mode now have 4 different criteria in each match(some may not have any) and they are called "Battle Courses." The 4 criteria are: Timed Match, Survival, 1 vs. 2, and 2 vs. 2. That's right folks, those are the 4 criterias. The one thing I'm wondering is, will we be able to switch the 2 fighters we picked during the mode or is it whoever we picked first will be the main fighter when the matches are only 1 on 1. As you see, one of the Teams you face in the mode is Vegeta(Scouter) and Nappa.

The scan introduces Super Oob/Majuub, and it will indeed be a Transformation for Oob, even thou, it's teachnically a fusion between Oob and Majin(Fat) Boo. They have a pic of his Ultimate Blast, which is named "Lightning Arrow."

The scan is promoting the contest that V-Jump, Weekly Jump, and Monthly(JPN) Jump is holding, which is giving 590 copies of the game. Also, the lucky JPN Fans has a chance to receive a Saiya-jin Space Pod Clock.

Now, to clear something up with the Dodoria pic. It's a pic of a JPN Female Government Spokesperson. It started off as an Internet Joke...and now, it has became a well known joke that the public knows as well and well, Shueisha put the pic there for laughs.

There is a misprint on the scan, since it has listed JPN PS2 Version to have a Oct. 5 release on the top of the scan and a Oct. 10 release on the bottom. It's most likely a misprint since the V-Jump still has it listed for Oct. 5th and V-Jump is the more Video game news magazine than Weekly Jump is. The JPN Wii version of the game has a January, 2007 release.

- gohan1224 - 08-23-2006

Nouveau scan ici :)

Edit:Ah,j'avais pas vu Icon_biggrin

- Gregnas - 08-23-2006

gohan1224 a écrit :Nouveau scan ici :)

Deja ete poster par Zuka hier Icon_wink

edit: Nouvelles image qui sont apparament issu d'un trailer ( apparament sa sera denouveau une intro en 3d)

[Image: vip0424.jpg]
[Image: vip0425.jpg]
[Image: vip0426.jpg]
[Image: vip0428.jpg]
[Image: vip0427.jpg]

- solidsammy - 08-23-2006

Merci! En effet, on dirait que l'intro est en images de synthèses cell-shadée. Je préfère l'anime mais peut-êtr veulent-ils garder une cohérence face au prmier tenkaichi.

- LaRésistance - 08-23-2006

Arf c'est dommage, je préférais largement les intros animées.

- Toranku - 08-23-2006

Idem, vraiment dommage pour l'intro... Quand vont-ils comprendre.... Icon_confused

- Zuka - 08-23-2006

Sur la premiere photo, c'est moi ou Goku n'a plus son haut de Kimono?

- solidsammy - 08-23-2006

Zuka a écrit :Sur la premiere photo, c'est moi ou Goku n'a plus son haut de Kimono?

Il semble que tu aies raison...

- MoMo - 08-23-2006

Il vaudrait mieux attendre encore un peu,parce que franchement avec ces images affirmer si oui ou non l'introduction sera de taille :)