Lettre pour Budokai 4 - Version imprimable

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- lostangel2 - 04-24-2005

bon voilà, j'ai "rangé" un peu la lettre.

si cette orgagnisation ne vous plait pas n'hésitez pas à le dire wink

sinon j'ai rajouté un petit paragraphe sur les auras, car sinon l'idée se retrouvaient un peu perdue avec ces changements.

- kAT_ - 04-24-2005

boulah03 a écrit :Je connais un site qui traduit en anglais directement j'ai deja essaye et ca a marché mais maintenant faut que je retrouve son adresse donc si vous etes d'accord je vous passe l'adresse(après l'avoir retrouvés).
ps:je ne suis pas sur a 100% que ca marche au cas ou.
ps2:un merci a lost et tous les autres pour cette lettre.

Les moteurs de traduction aussi bien (ou mauvais) soient-ils, la meilleure façon de rendre cette lettre sur le même ton ne peut venir que de nous, il va être difficile de garder ce ton de la lettre en passant par ça, donc je ne pense pas que ça soit bien utile.
Quant à moi je suis toujours sur la traduc' je post ça dès que j'en ai fini, mais pour déjà commencer il faudrait corriger les fautes d'anglais (autant commencer par le commencement) donc je ne sais pas quel moyen est le plus efficace : traduire le tout et corriger après, ou traduire chaque partie corriger ensuite la partie et tout rassembler au final ...

- spectaa - 04-24-2005

kAT_ a écrit :
boulah03 a écrit :Je connais un site qui traduit en anglais directement j'ai deja essaye et ca a marché mais maintenant faut que je retrouve son adresse donc si vous etes d'accord je vous passe l'adresse(après l'avoir retrouvés).
ps:je ne suis pas sur a 100% que ca marche au cas ou.
ps2:un merci a lost et tous les autres pour cette lettre.

Les moteurs de traduction aussi bien (ou mauvais) soient-ils, la meilleure façon de rendre cette lettre sur le même ton ne peut venir que de nous, il va être difficile de garder ce ton de la lettre en passant par ça, donc je ne pense pas que ça soit bien utile.
Quant à moi je suis toujours sur la traduc' je post ça dès que j'en ai fini, mais pour déjà commencer il faudrait corriger les fautes d'anglais (autant commencer par le commencement) donc je ne sais pas quel moyen est le plus efficace : traduire le tout et corriger après, ou traduire chaque partie corriger ensuite la partie et tout rassembler au final ...

Si tu veux je peux t'aider a corriger ta lettre, je me débrouille mais mon beauf fait du commerce avec les états unis donc il est parfaitement bilingue, je pourrais toujours le saouler un peu pour qu'il y jete un oeil, enfin si y a pas d'autre bilingues parfait parmi nous.

- Setankin - 04-25-2005

farpais, maintenant faudrait se partager la tâche je vais commecner a partir de "visual change"

- LaRésistance - 04-25-2005

J'arrive un peu tard mais si vous avez besoin de moi, je peux peut-être filer un petit coup de main. Si vous avez des questions concernant la tournure d'une phrase en anglais ou quelque chose, n'hésitez pas à me demander.

Autrement, je regrette de voir que vous n'avez pas penser à parler du retour des fusions inédites (en particulier celle de Yamcha/Tenshinhan). Par contre j'étais content de voir que certaines de vos remarques concernaient Tenshinhan. Il aurait aussi fallu demander le retour de l'attaque volleyball.

Pour ce qui est de l'idée de Genki de faire un dossier, je trouve que c'est une très bonne idée. Mais pourquoi s'arrêter à des scans du manga? Pour faire passer nos idées, il vaut mieux utiliser tous ce qui est à notre disposition:
-captures d'écrans d'épisodes de DB (Z et GT inclus);
-captures d'écrans d'anciens jeux vidéo DB.

Rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transforme...

Répatition - SûpâSaiyajin008 - 04-25-2005


Voici la répartition des différent chapitre que chaqun fera.

Moi -> Gameplay

Setankin -> Visual Change

kAT_ -> General Changes

Avec ce que l'on à là, il nous manque des mecs pour : Particular details
Pour cette partie j'aimerais que Setankin s'en charge vu que sa part est minuscule de plus un paragraphe est déjà traduit!!
Donc stp Setankin charge toi de celui là aussi.

Y nous faut aussi un mec pour significant additions mais tous nos traducteur(que je connais) sur le site sont occupé alors voila les chpitres de cette partie.

1. Intro

2. New carachters

3. ideas for new ultimates

4. new clothes

5. the case of buu

6. a problem of sizes

7. Fin du dossier

en tout on en à six importantes(l'intro est minuscule) on es trois à traduire et il y a six paragraphe !! un peu de math et ...

1. Intro Moi

2. New carachters Setankin

3. ideas for new ultimates kAT_

4. new clothes Moi

5. the case of buu Setankin

6. a problem of sizes kAT_

7. Fin du dossier Moi

Voila la répartition est faite faut plus que donné ça à lost et évidament que vous acceptiez la répartition.


- c-8 - 04-25-2005

Je veux bien participer à la traduction, j'ai un petit vécu dans les pays anglo-saxons (1 an) mais je n'assure rien puisque certains passages me paraissent assez chauds à traduire littéralement ( surtout le passage de buu qui est apparamment le seul chapitre restant)

- SûpâSaiyajin008 - 04-25-2005

Genki a écrit :euh... c'est "characters" et non "carachters"... j'espère que c'est une faute d'inatention car si le reste est comme ça, ça me fait peur Icon_surprised

Ben regarde pas toi même, voici le début



By this mail I represent a “small” community of French-speaking Dragon Ball’s fans.
We are all meeting and discussing on a small forum created by one of us. In the group of fans that I represent there are all the most famous and respected fans of the French network and of the international network for some of us. but for some reason I will not talk about them because some of them want remaining anonymous. But I can tell you that if you ask one Internet surfer, the name of the 20 biggest fans that he ever met on the web, all of them would be there.

Now that I’ve finished this little presentation, I am going to explain our request right away.
We, as Dragon Ball’s fans, have all been really interested by the new Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3, for some by the PAL version, and for some others by the Japanese version that went out some time ago.
Because of the huge success of that third opus of Budokai on all the continents, it looks normal that after such a huge success, a Budokai 4 will be, or is being made. Even if it is not the case, I wish that you’ll read this message with the biggest interest because I think that this would be the best representation of our desires for a Dragon Ball game, and that all the propositions made here could be used later for other games.

You have to know that we concerted on a lot of points, and that for the ones that were too complicated, we made some surveys, but all of our reflexions were made to suggest some improvements in a eventual Budokai 4 and not to change it totally.

I will now enumerate all the points that we talked about:

The first requirement would be to reinstate the Japanese voices (and maybe the US voices allegedly obligatory) because a lot of people didn’t like the Pal version just for this reason, but also because the explication given didn’t look really credible, and that still now, some games came out on our territory with the Japanese voices. An other point is that different magazines and specialized sites in video games had unanimously criticized this choice; we already denied this US version for Budokai 2 and this through all Europe. An alternative solution could have been found. Even the Japanese doubling could be better realized because even in this version the people who made the voices looked as if they had no motivation.

Il est tout à fait possible que quelques fautes me soient passé sous le nez vu que je n'ai pas encore fais la vérification car nous avons de court délais!! mais pour le final je ferais gaffe cool

g compris.... Icon_arrow

- spectaa - 04-26-2005

SupâSaiyajin008 a écrit :
c-8 a écrit :SupâSaiyajin008, il y a pas mal de that qui alourdissent la lecture et que tu pourrais faire sauter.

Par ex: "In the group of fans that I represent" devient "In the group of fans I represent"

D'ailleurs, ce serait bien de commencer par la phrase type " to whom it may concern" qui veut dire en gros " à qui de droit" et qui est un peu passe-partout puisque l'on ne sait pas vraiment à qui on s'adresse exactement et puis ca donne un coté officiel non négligeable

Oui pt'et mais si tu je dis "In the group of fans that I represent" ça veut dire "dans le groupe de fan que je représente" et si tu mets
"In the group of fans I represent" ça veut dire dans le groupe de fan, je représente." ce qui change vraiment le sens de la phrase!!! cool

Non pas vraiment, ça serais le cas avec une virgule mais là non, je trouve meme celà plus idiomatique ainsi (le petit truc de ceux qui on fait un sejour a l'étranger c'est de faire des phrases moins lourde, plus idiomatique).

- Setankin - 04-27-2005

Bon j'ai fait ca très vite y'a surement beaucoup de faute, mais j'ai filé un coup de main, faudra pas oublier de séparer les lignes pour plus de visibilité.


visual changes
fight arenas

Concerning stage areas, their fidelity to the anime is very pleasant, however they should be first of all, a lot bigger, so the player is not always blocked by invisible walls, which can be very frustrating. The stages should also be more interactive, with more destruction, or partial desctruction (craters, foot prints when the player is projected backwards, devasted zones, and intact zones a little further…).Some stages with water in it would be very welcomed, with the possibility to be projected underwater and to keep fighting there, or to go down the water on your own will with the new flying capacity described earlier.) This stage could perfectly be the “house of Kame Sennin”.
Also we were disappointed to see some stages from Budokai 2 simply disappear, like the one in the snow, or the one in Kamisama’s Palace, it would be nice to have those back.
In the idea to improve the Tournament Mode, why not include the stage of the Tournament of the Dead World (Where Dead Goku fights Paikuhan), a non-destroyed version of the Cell Ring, and why not the stage area in “Hell” during the movie “Fusion” (when Janemba fights Gojeta)

visual changes
real damages

Since Budokai 2 we are looking forward to see appearant damages on the characters, it would be great to be able to watch the intensity of the fight, just by looking a tour characters fighting. The costumes could just slowly get ripped apart (or destroyed slowly, for armors for example), some could finish stripped to the waist (like Goku is in several episodes of the serie) some marks could appear on the characters faces.

This could lead to an option that could allow us to hide the stats bars on the top of the screen (life, ki etc..) so only the fighters would appear, we could tell how bad they are injured just by looking at them (for the ki, it would imply that we know the ki level of our transformation, and we could vaguely guess our ki level. But this is just an option, that we fan would appreciate since it would be really close to the anime)

visual changes

The auras, as for them, should not more appear permanently, but almost only during the hyper-mode. this detail is more amply explained in the "particular details" part. However the auras appear obviously at the time of the loads of ki (except for some characters as the androides), but they could be seen more diversified according to the characters. Indeed their forms can be different. In addition more effects on the ground would make them still more impressive, than it is at the time of the loads of ki, but also at the time of the transformations, where they also appear (but without passing in hyper-mode for as much) and that for a short lapse of time (some seconds), always with an aim of showing all the power of it.
Finally, colors of auras must be more respected, such as for the ssj2 and ssj3, with blue flashes and not yellows.

particular details

Concerning one of the main innovation of Budokai’s gameplay, i’m talking about Hyper Mode of course, it is a good point in the Budokai series, but it presented several issues to us. First, it is very repetitive all the characters do the exact same thing, then the visual aspect could be different to be more faithful to the manga. About this visual aspect, our idea would be that the fighters wouldn’t have auras in the normal phases of the game, whatever the ki level might be, therefore, whenever a character goes into Hyper Mode, the aura will appear (it will allow the Sayajin to have a light yellow color of hair during the game, and it will be bright with the aura as it is in Budokai 3). Auras would also appear (the could be different depending on the transformation level, like a round aura for Goku SSJ3) when fighters are charging their Ki, and during high speed movement.

About Hyper Mode, instead of losing Ki, we would rather have a Time Jauge, and the character will only be tired if he uses all his Ki. To go into Hyper Mode should also bring a slight gain of attack power, depending on the number of Ki Barrs above the Basic Ki Level (the attack power remaining always the same outside Hyper Mode) which combined with the aura system we explained earlier would bring a more faithful aspect.

To go into Hyper Mode should also have another manipulation, like (Back+Transformation Button) which would allow 2 other manipulations that I’ll explain later
Hyper Mode and Hyper Mode only would let you use Dragon Rush (we propose another manipulation : L2=all 4 buttons) so teleportation would still be usable in Hyper Mode. Guard, and the ability to charge Ki should not be desactivate during Hyper Mode

However to go into Hyper Mode should be LIMITED so we cannot overuse this ability

particular details
the capsules system

The capsule system could also be revised. Its difficult to understand why people like Goku are very limited in Capsule slots (7) when Cell Jr. would only use 2 slots. Some characters should have more capsule slots, or we could just delete the capsule system, but the RPG part of the game would be damaged.

Also, some capsules like Majin Vegeta or the Metal Versions of Cooler and Freezer could appear as simple transformation instead of using many slots for that effect. However you could still put limits to their used, for example the characters could only transform if their Ki is low.

New Capsules “Breakthrough +” should be added, they could be more expensive or harder to find, but they would contain ALL the fusions that the characters can use

Finally, it is very tirering to see endlessly the same capsules at the shop, the player loses interest in the game, each capsule should only be bought one or two times. The random capsule choice could be deleted to avoid some kind of cheating

particular details
the end of fight

The ending of the fights could sometime have more “panache”. A Temporary Ko mode could be added, the fighter would be on the floor, and we would have to turn the joysticks, or he would automatically block a hit if it was inferior to a certain damage. The same kind of idea was used in the last Saint Seya game on Ps2

Also a REPLAY would be very nice (like in all major fighting games). And why not an online mode?

significant additions

To conclude this letter, i will now write the different ideas that we had for new characters, or what can be changed in characters, oufits to add, and ultimates.

significant additions
new characters
- kame sennin his second outfit would be Jackie Choun (jakkî chun),
- taopaïpaï,
- bojack (bôjakku) with his transformation
- janenba (at least in his second form) when he would appear in a level, the sky would be filled with giant Balls like in « Hell » so one of his ultimates would be to catch the opponant with a long arm hurt him in the ball field and finish him with a sword ; or teleporting like he does in the movie (Fusion)
- païkuan (paikûhan),
- c13, with his transformation absorbing the pieces of C14 and C15
- hacchyakku,
- tapion, he could have an ultimate when Hildegarn would attack the opponent, and finish by calling him back into him by playing the Ocarina
- thalès (târesu),
- bio broly (baioburorî),
- garlic jr (gâlikku jr), with his transformation,
- slugh (suraggu),
- les oozaru, appearing in at least some ultimates (baddack (bâdakku), thalès (târesu)…).

Several characters are from the first Dragon Ball universe, when characters could not fly or teleport. For them it would be better if they couldn’t fly wich would be a different way to fight.

If Dragon Ball GT is still in this Dragon Ball Z game :
- gokû kid from DBGT, he would be the only Goku to reach the SSJ4 form, his transformations being (SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3, SSJ4)
- pan,
- super-c17 (sûpa jinzô ningen 17 gô),
- baby,
-.other black dragons
In the same state that Cell Jr. or Saibamen, little groups could be created where the characters would appear one at a time, when one fighter loses his companion would come and continue the fight.

- Bojack’s servants could appear together one after the other and could realize an Ultimate together, using Paralysis (where Bojack could appear) some of the Servants could have a transformation (Gokua, Zanghia)
- Ginew Commando could use the same principle (Reecom becoming a member of the Commando, but Ginew would remain a playable character on his own) they could have an ultimate together with Ginew to realize poses
- The Return of Zabon and Dodoria together, Zabon would appear in second so he can transform. Each of them could have an ultimate (Dodoria could have the one he uses againt Baddack in the anime)
- The Return of C19 he could appear in a duo with C20/Dr.Gero, each of them could have an absorption ultimate
- C14 and C15 on the same principle.

significant additions
the case of buu

In the case of buu, the fact that he appears in 3 different forms is ok for half of us, the other half wishing only 2 buus or only one. However for logical reasons, there should be a minimum of 2 buus, the fat and another one.
Its more practical to keep Kid Buu as he is. But as for Super Buu, we can notice some problems.
He starts in a normal form but he should appear as a skinny gray buu. The second problem is the random absorption system wich is not very faithful to the manga
But he could reabsorb how many times he wants to reach all his forms (eating Fat Buu, absorbing Gotenks and Piccolo, and Gohan, maybe Tenshinhan and Yamcha, or even rejecting those he absorbed to become Normal Buu again, why not reject Fat Buu and become Kid Buu)
Another solution (more simple) would be to give him the ability to transform to replace the absorption system, so he could transform in the correct order to end with the final form (Gohan or Kid Buu if there are 2 or 3 Buus)

It could be possible (with the option to visualize long version or short version of some transformation) that Buu’s transformation could also have long and short versions. The long one being transforming the opponent in chocolate of surround him with Buu’s parts (depending on the characters he’s absorbing); in the short version we would have a glimpse of the chocolat or the part of Buu getting back at him, and then he would be transformed.

When in Buu-Gotenks, he would have a timer and when the time Is over, he would be in his Buu-Piccolo form as in the manga and only from this form he could transform into Buu-Gohan

If the damages were visible, he could have holes in him and he could regenerate according to his Ki level with a guard jauge that could go down depending on his status