[PS2] Dragon Ball Z Sparking !! - Version imprimable

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- Gregnas - 05-31-2005

Nouvelle preview!! ... i=1&page=1

le gars est lui aussi sous le charme par le jeu!!

et a la fin il dit "Avec pas moins de 60 personnages, des modes de jeu dans tous les sens, et des voix japonaises originales, le titre ne peut que nous combler !"


- nomakin - 05-31-2005

-D’ailleurs, à ce stade du développement (50%) on regrettera le manque de variété dans les coups. Un seul bouton pour les attaques (cest qui a lair bien ce jeu ) Icon_lol

-le gros problème de caméra détectable lors des combat

- Gregnas - 05-31-2005

nomakin a écrit :D’ailleurs, à ce stade du développement (50%) on regrettera le manque de variété dans les coups. Un seul bouton pour les attaques (cest qui a lair bien ce jeu ) Icon_lol

Tu ne retient que ca toi et le reste alors il dit que ca sera surrement un des meilleur jeu dbz et puis il n'y a pas tous dans la demo c'est ce qu'il a voulu dire!!

- Taikentsuken - 05-31-2005

50% du jeu, ca veut dire qu'il reste encore beaucoup à faire, donc pas de panique je pense qu'il rectifiront le problème de la cam....

- MoMo - 06-01-2005

Où avez-vous vu 50% de développement ?

- Gregnas - 06-01-2005

MoMo_SenPaÏ a écrit :Où avez-vous vu 50% de développement ?

Sur la preview que j'ai mis!!

- MoMo - 06-01-2005

Gregnas a écrit :
MoMo_SenPaÏ a écrit :Où avez-vous vu 50% de développement ?

Sur la preview que j'ai mis!!

Icon_lol désolé j'avais pas encore lu ! Icon_lol

- gogetassj4 - 06-02-2005

danc cette extrait de preview on peut comprendre le principe des ultimates
Citation :Now that you're on top of the world, you can begin to attack. The buttons are redone so that what was once a block is now a punch and what was once an energy blast is now a guard. Also, combo energy attacks are a thing of the past. Now all one needs to do is have enough energy, and "let a rip" with just a few simple button presses. The attacks are still done in the same format: energy attacks drain your Ki bar, and you have to either charge up your meter (L2) or just beat the crap out of your opponent. Back in Budokai it took about 15 seconds to fully power up your Ki bar. This time around, it takes about three. When it's fully powered up your character enters "Sparkling" mode, and he can unleash his ultimate attack (Death Ball, Kamehameha, Final Flash, etc). The mini games of Budokai have been done away with; you no longer need to worry about whether or not you can push the "X" button faster than your opponent. The attacks are also much shorter this time around, as the Super Kamehameha is now only three seconds of animation, instead of 15. Each of these modifications adds to the intense fast-paced nature of it all.

- vince_le_punk - 06-02-2005

gogetassj4 a écrit :danc cette extrait de preview on peut comprendre le principe des ultimates
Citation :Now that you're on top of the world, you can begin to attack. The buttons are redone so that what was once a block is now a punch and what was once an energy blast is now a guard. Also, combo energy attacks are a thing of the past. Now all one needs to do is have enough energy, and "let a rip" with just a few simple button presses. The attacks are still done in the same format: energy attacks drain your Ki bar, and you have to either charge up your meter (L2) or just beat the crap out of your opponent. Back in Budokai it took about 15 seconds to fully power up your Ki bar. This time around, it takes about three. When it's fully powered up your character enters "Sparkling" mode, and he can unleash his ultimate attack (Death Ball, Kamehameha, Final Flash, etc). The mini games of Budokai have been done away with; you no longer need to worry about whether or not you can push the "X" button faster than your opponent. The attacks are also much shorter this time around, as the Super Kamehameha is now only three seconds of animation, instead of 15. Each of these modifications adds to the intense fast-paced nature of it all.
Il a vraiment l"air bien, je pense que ca va bien recopier les combats dynamiques de DBZ!

- Gregnas - 06-02-2005

En francais ca donne quoi? Icon_lol