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Bleach : Heat the Soul 3 [PSP] Sortie le 20/07/06
28/40 dans le famitsu!

Bleach: Heat the Soul 3 (PSP, Sony): 7 / 7 / 6 / 8 - (28/40)
[Image: Gregnas007.png]
Sadness a écrit :Mouarh, c'est du chinois pour moi vos Spoils, j'capte rien, j'suis entrain de récuperer les bleachs depuis hier, j'en suis au troisieme !

Déjà faut pas lire les [spoil]SPOILS[/spoil] Icon_lol .
[Image: sign.jpg]
BLeach 1 a eux 29 et le 2 28 donc on peut imaginer a quoi s'attendre (tout sauf une revolution). C'est le style de jeux chacun c'est gout "on aime ou on aime pas".
tetsuya a écrit :BLeach 1 a eux 29 et le 2 28 donc on peut imaginer a quoi s'attendre (tout sauf une revolution). C'est le style de jeux chacun c'est gout "on aime ou on aime pas".

réserver plutôt aux fans,et encore...
Le 2 m'avait vachement déçu pour son contenu car derrière la boite on voyait pleins de capitaines et lieutenants qui n'étaient pas jouables. C'est le seul défaut qu'avais pour moi ce jeu (11 perso c'est peu).

Là pour ce 3è volet, le manque de perso est corrigé et je pense que ça réoudra bien des soucis Icon_lol
[Image: solid_sammy.png]
Allez, SUPER SURPRISE! Allez sur la liste des persos, mettez vous sur Ichigo Bankai, cliquez pour voir sa fiche, et là vous verrez une écriture (au dessus de battle system). Cliquez dessus et regardez qui est présent Icon_wink

Je pense qu'aun niveaux personnages, ce jeu va en calmer plus d'un!
[Image: solid_sammy.png]
solidsammy a écrit :Allez, SUPER SURPRISE! Allez sur la liste des persos, mettez vous sur Ichigo Bankai, cliquez pour voir sa fiche, et là vous verrez une écriture (au dessus de battle system). Cliquez dessus et regardez qui est présent Icon_wink

Je pense qu'aun niveaux personnages, ce jeu va en calmer plus d'un!

Gaaaaaaaaaaah trop fort. A noter aussi que Byakuya a également ce petit tip (qui n'en est pas un). Vraiment stylé ce jeu. Peut-être que Tousen, qu'on a pas encore vu, aura lui aussi ce mode. Mais en fait, c'est [spoil]considéré comme des transfos ou des nouveaux persos?[/spoil]
ils ont des écrous ronds, vive les robots.

[Image: dancing_raver_smaller.gif][Image: naruto247.gif]
Je pense que c'est [spoil]des transfo[/spoil] car si tu regardes sur la fiche de Ichigo, tu vois que la dernière image montre [spoil]Byakuya qui brise le masque[/spoil]!

[spoil]Moi ce que je me demande, c'est si il y a Evil Aizen...[/spoil]

Vivement jeudi que le jeu sorte!
[Image: solid_sammy.png]
c'est bon le jeux est sortie.
Voila la traduction pour les missons

Mission 1: Nice to meet you, I will beat you.
Who: Normal Ichigo vs. Renji
Requirements: Defeat Renji
Comments: You only get one life bar, Renji gets two.

Mission 2: The Blade and Me
Who: Normal Ichigo vs. Urahara
Requirements: Land final blow with Ichigo's getsuga tensho (square + x).

Mission 3: Ichigo Kurosaki vs. Gin Ishimaru
Who: Shikai Ichigo vs. Gin
Requirements: Defeat Gin
Comments: For some reason, I didn't get this mission until my second time through.

Mission 4: Cause For Confront
Who: Shikai Ichigo vs. Renji
Requirements: Land final blow in "Heat Transformation Mode" (Square + Triangle when life bar is flashing red).

Mission 5: Split Under The Red Stalk
Who: Kira vs. Hinamori
Requirements: Defeat Hinamori

Mission 6: Insanity & Genius
Who: Ishida (after removing sanrei gloves) vs. Mayuri
Requirements: Defeat Mayuri
Comments: Ishida's actually pretty strong in this battle. It's his character's "bankai" equivalent. Good old ranged attacks. Just keep in mind that each time you use one of the bow attacks (circle), some health is drained.

Mission 7: The Undead
Who: Shikai Ichigo vs. Kenpachi
Requirements: Defeat Kenpachi
Comments: This battle is much easier if you fill the Zangetsu support bar and activate it (hit R). Not sure if you need to be in that mode when you land your killing blow, but it should be full by the end of battle anyway.

Mission 8: The True Will
Who: Hitsugaya vs. Hinamori
Requirements: "Stun" Hinamori multiple times with your reiatsu by holding square.
Comments: Not sure of exact number of times I had to do this, if anyone knows, please tell me.

Mission 9: The Creeping Limit
Who: Hitsugaya vs. Gin
Requirements: Land killing blow with Hitsugaya's soten ni zase (Square + X or Circle)

Mission 10: Remanant
Who: Shikai Ichigo vs. Byakuya
Requirements: Defeat Byakuya
Comments: Don't remember this mission very well, but I don't believe there was anything special about it.

Mission 11: The Supernal Tag
Who: Yoruichi vs. Byakuya
Requirements: Survive for 1 minute.
Comments: Pretty easy if you just keep spamming Yoruichi's shunpo.

Mission 12: Blazing Souls
Who: Bankai Renji vs. Byakuya
Requirements: Defeat Byakuya
Comments: Fun battle, wish Renji's attacks with Zabimaru were faster though.

Mission 13: Only Mercifully
Who: Kenpachi vs. Komamura
Requirements: Defeat Komamura
Comments: This was my least favorite battle, Komamura's health regenerates (pretty quickly, too). I eventually defeated him by using a cheap combo of back+X then mashing circle.

Mission 14: Blackmoon Rizing
Who: Bankai Ichigo vs. Byakuya
Requirements: Defeat Byakuya
Comments: Bankai Ichigo is fun, thought he was underpowered at first, but I was wrong. (You can also let his hollow form take over if you hit square+circle)

Mission 15: Long Way to Say Goodbye
Who: Yoruichi vs. Soi Fon
Requirements: Defeat Soi Fon
Comments: You only get one life bar each. Also, you enter the battle with Yoruichi affected by homonka (hornet's crest). If you get hit with Soi Fon's special, it's an instant death.

Mission 16: Welcome to Purgatory
Who: Ukitake vs. Yamamoto
Requirements: Defeat Yamamoto... possibly with a special attack from Shunsui (hit R)
Comments: Not really sure if you HAVE to defeat him with an attack from Shunsui, but it seemed like Yamamoto wouldn't die right away from Ukitake's normal attacks.

Mission 17: Black and White
Who: Bankai Ichigo vs. Senkei Byakuya
Requirements: Defeat Byakuya
Comments: Both of you only have one life bar. Both start in "Heat Transformation Mode" where you deal more damage, but can't block. Just keep mashing buttons in this battle and he'll go down.

Mission 18: Behind Me, Behind You
Who: Matsumoto vs. Kira
Requirements: Defeat Kira
Comments: haha, Matsumoto's fun to play with. Her Up+Circle attack calls Haineko (Ash Cat) to the battle, which will stay on the screen for a while and attack Kira.

Mission 19: end of hypnosis
Who: Bankai Hitsugaya vs. Aizen
Requirements: Defeat Aizen
Comments: Hitsugaya is awesome, although I found that I couldn't do damage to Aizen except for using Hitsugaya's soul technique (Square + X or Circle)

Mission 20: The United Front
Who: Bankai Ichigo vs. Aizen
Requirements: Defeat Aizen

Source: Gamefaqs.
par contre il y a un truc que je comprends pas:
quand je passe la mission 3 je me retrouve direct a la 7 aprés Icon_confused

edit: ok c'est bon en fait faut recomencer le jeu plusieur fois (faire continuer une fois treminé)

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